Redesigns Out the Wazoo
This website has never taken a firm visual style, so frequent redesigns are a way to help me find it. This redesign seems much more free to me – the main content is not bound by any visual borders, and the light colors on the top give the layout a more airy feel.
I’ve also also created a portfolio section to help me organize and display the recent flood of projects I have received once they are completed. Also, the portfolio should help me better archive all the versions of my own site.
If you are exclusively a feed reader, I encourage you to drop by every now and then for a peek. Also, as always the final fate of the site’s design is in your hands; how can I change/improve this layout to make it better for you?
The Ethics of Practicing Procedures on the Nearly Dead
The report from the field was not promising by any stretch, extensive trauma, and perhaps most importantly unknown “downtime” (referencing the period where the patient received no basic care like...
The Ethics of Teaching Hospitals
I can’t imagine what the patient was thinking. Seeing my trembling hands approaching the lacerations on his face with a sharp needle. I tried to reassure him that I knew what I was doing, but the...
Conscious Conversation: Behavioral Science
Dr. Eran Zaidel is a professor of Behavioral Neuroscience and faculty member at the Brain Research Institute at UCLA. His work focuses on hemispheric specialization and interhemispheric interaction...
Progress Report
Two years down, I’m still going. The next two years are my clinical rotations, the actual hands-on training. It’s a scary prospect, responsibilities and such; but it’s equally exciting, after...
Why Medical School Should Be Free
There’s a lot of really great doctors out there, but unfortunately, there’s also some bad ones. That’s a problem we don’t need to have, and I think it’s caused by some problems with the...
The Cerebellum: a model for learning in the brain
I know, it’s been a while. Busy is no excuse though, as it is becoming clear that writing for erraticwisdom was an important part of exercising certain parts of my brain that I have neglected...
Conscious Conversation: Philosophy
Daniel Black, author of Erectlocution, was kind enough to chat with me one day and we had a great discussion – have a listen.
The Stuff in Between
I’m actually almost normal when not agonizing over robot production details, and quite a bit has happened since I last wrote an update. First, I’ve finally graduated. I had a bit of a...
Jan 14, 02:08 PM #
Andrew Hamann
Jan 14, 03:52 PM #
Jan 14, 04:11 PM #
The only problem is the semantic order of your headers.
Jon Henshaw
Jan 14, 08:29 PM #
Thanks, I like the simplicity of a monochromatic layout too.
Andrew: I too liked the old one, but change is good :D
Benedict: Yes, the styles have been “erratic” at best. I’ve tried adding some spaces in areas that felt especially cramped, but is there any specific area you would like me to improve?
Jon: Those headlines (latest, extras) are meant more as subtle dividers than major headlines. So, I decided to lighten them up and not assign a large importance (in terms of headline numbering) – I feel that the article titles are more important.
However, I did darken up their colors a little, so I hope that helps a bit.
Thanks for your feedback and keep it coming!
Jan 15, 11:27 AM #
I think I enjoy the latest incarnation of the site the most. I like the lightened headers and lack of constraining borders. One thing I think could be improved are the article headers. They might be a little bit too large and on hover, the link background overlaps on characters with descenders.
Jan 15, 04:08 PM #
Thanks for the tip!
Jan 16, 01:39 PM #
You finally beat me!
Jan 16, 04:55 PM #
Jan 17, 04:01 PM #
OK OK, I’m on it – promise ;-)
Jan 18, 06:28 PM #
Jan 19, 09:42 AM #
Aug 17, 07:02 PM #
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