Sponsoring Charity
This article was originally titled “Chitika for Charity”, but due to some auditing complications, I’ve decided to change to the Yahoo! Publisher Network for now. I only had Chitika eMiniMalls (that is not an affiliate link because, frankly, I wouldn’t recommend them) running for a single day during the month of October, but on that day, six clicks were audited to two, and the revenue for the day went down by over 80%.
Obviously, a single day is not fair treatment, but I actually have over a month of Chitika under my belt and I will be waiting until the audited revenue for November is released before I decide on anything. There is an excellent article at Work Boxers about this as well as some other discouraging aspects about Chitika.
Now, to get back into what I meant to say. A discussion about ads following my recent redesign got me thinking about whether or not I should keep them running. The hosting costs for this site with Dreamhost are fairly low and I just got a wonderful new job, so the money isn’t really the point of this website. However, since the site is making money, why not keep the ads running and give the money to someone who needs it more than I do?
All of the revenue from this site, be it from advertisements or affiliate links will be donated entirely and directly to a “Charity of the Month. This month’s charity is Doctors Without Borders, a wonderful organization that I hope to volunteer with in the future. Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières has been transcending conflicts to help the victims since 1971 and has provided services for those affected by wars, natural disasters, and epidemics in more than seventy countries. If you would like to recommend a Charity of the Month, please contact me.
Also, stay tuned for a 9rules Network wide charitable movement coming in the near future.
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A great way to support Doctors Without Borders is just by doing your usual shopping through A percent of your sale will go to the nonprofit of your choice.
Jun 10, 10:48 AM #
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